Art concept Genghis Khan's camp,1215. The Khan's camp is conceived to build the central section, some tower guards, fences, the entrance. The rest are VFX shots.
Art concept Genghis Khan's camp,1215. Here is a rendering of the real location chosen and the camp as for the concept.
Art concept Inca's temple entrance. The set is submerged by a pond, when its drained thru a mechanism revealed a face so covered with roots, musk and lagoon plants.
Construction drawing of the Incas Temple entrance.
Art concept Junction section set (incas Temple). Stage set.
Art concept of the Inner room (Incas Temple), that leads then to the main Temple chamber, thru a mechanic SFX door. Stage set.
Art concept Incas temple- main room. I thought for this set to put 3 huge incas goddess in a threats look, like three judges to protect the secret access to the Eldorado's room.
Art concept Below room/Eldorado city set. We decided for this scene to make a model of the 'Eldorado city' (part below of the concept), meantime the upper part it's digital work.
Art concept Exit Incas temple. The big facade is conceived for use and modified for another set of the movie. Set in Studios backlot.
Early art concept of the entrance of Konghur Shan cave. In the story is where Khan's treasure is hidden, inside the Himalayas mountains. We thought of a very natural and hidden cave, in the middle of the mountains, so very hard to reach it.
Rendering/concept KongurShan cave entrance using digital work and the model of the set made by the Art Dept, in Cinecittà Studios. This version of the entrance of the cave is the definitive version with a more mysterious, threat look in addition with a huge leonine paws, inspired from some asian scared temple, carved in the rock.
Konghur Shan cave entrance. This concept is another version, more clear, wide view, adding more mist.
Another art concept of Kongur Shan cave. Here we can see more closer the look of the entrance.
Art concept, Konghur Shan cave entrance. Here the definitive look chosen for the entrance.
Maquette of the Kongur Shan cave entrance. Here is the model in scale made by the Art Dept. in the Cinecittà Studios. This can give to the director a perfect look of the set with its dimensions and volumes and in more technical way, the model can be divise in different sections ad every piece, multiplied for the real size, giving exactly the shape of the piece to build in scale 1:1 by Construction dept.
Art concept Konghur Shan cave-huge figures set. Initially the set was conceived with two big human figures, like buddhas, protecting the entrance inside the cave, then we decided to put instead two huge mysterious animals, more threatening.
concept Konghur Shan cave- Maghraka Chamber. It's a very huge, depth, set enhanced by the VFX work in the very upper part of the concept and the bottom for its depth.
concept KS cave- Maghraka Chamber. Here a final rendering using also a model of the set in scale and digital work. It was conceived to build a 270 degree of the set.
Art concept KS cave- Maghraka Chamber. Another rendering view of this set.
Art concept KS cave- Lotus chamber. The main idea for the Lotus chamber was a simple room that once activated changes quickly its design, thru a hydraulic floor system, that pushed up and down the whole floor in fast way.
Technical drawing Kongur Shan cave- Lotus chamber.
Drawing KS cave- Lotus chamber. Here is an example of the hydraulic movement of the floor, that reveals a little secret stair.
Art concept KS cave- Tibetan corridor.The set have more Tibetan influences in its design and elements and also explain how and when the immense fortune of Genghis Khan was hidden here.
Art concept KS cave- Tibetan corridor. The set have a big 'sleeping' buddha at some point. More inspired from asian culture.
Art concept KS cave-path to Mother's Load room. The set leads to the enormous Mother's Load chamber. I given here more Mongolian/Chinese influences as we are near the Khan's room.
Art concept KS cave-gate to Mother's Load room. In the set we can notes more the Chinese style of the arch and the huge doors.
Art concept KS cave-Mother Load chamber. It's conceived like 360 degree construction with VFX work. The main idea of the set was that the all Chamber was built by monks during centuries and it's carved from the rock by the monks. So I was inspired from some underground houses in Capadocia, Turkey. Also influences form Indian (the 4 Temples), Tibetan (bas reliefs) and Chinese (frescos) cultures.
Another art concept KS cave-Mother Load chamber. Here is another view from the stairs. We used a model and some digital work to create this concept. In the background the Khan's treasure room.
Maquette KS cave-Mother Load chamber. Here another rendering with a different light and mood.
Maquette KS cave-Mother Load chamber. Here is a detail of the walls of the Mother load chamber. The passages, stairs, holes, tunnels inside and outside the set improved a lot the work of the stunts sequences.
Maquette KS cave-Mother Load chamber. Another detail of the walls of the set with its tunnels/houses in the rock. The monks worked for centuries carvings from the mountain the spaces for lived and guard the Khan's treasure.
Art concept KS cave- buddhas corridor. The buddhas corridor is placed before the exit to the Himalayas mountains
Art concept ext. exit Konghur Shan cave. The exit of the cave is conceived as a little temple/gate in the middle of a huge Himalayan mountain. The mountain walls are just restyled from Incas Temple set facade, adding the snow/ice and placed the little temple gate.
Art concept Temple in the forest. It's a rendering/concept illustrating how will be the look of a real location set (in India) with VFX work.