Art Concept first version 'King Shot' Casino/Pub set. The first idea for the set was to located it in the middle of the desert, like a little Las Vegas, miles of desert all around.
Art Concept second version 'King Shot' Casino/Pub set. This version instead was thought in a very suggestive place, a volcanic black rock like Canary Islands.
Art concept third version of Casino/Pub set. Here is more inspired from Art Deco style.
Art concept interior bar Hall, 'King Shot' Casino. Here continues the Art deco influences.
Art concept of another view of the Bar/Pub. 'King Shot' Casino.
Art concept of big counter of the Bar/Pub. 'King Shot' Casino.
Art concept of the area surrounding the Bar/Pub/Casino. 'King Shot' Casino.
More sketches of the surreal area conceived of the 'King Shot' casino.
Another surreal view of the area surrounding the Casino (in the background).