Art concept Chiara's Village, Rajasthan desert.
Chiara's Village, Rajasthan desert set. In the picture is the main square with the ambulatory on left, Chiara's house in front and the only tree placed there.
Another picture of Chiara's Village, Rajasthan. Here is more visible what we built: the little hindu temple (white one), the plastered houses of stone (on right), and the straw's roof hut behind the tree.
Another view of Chiara's Village, Rajasthan. The location chosen was in the middle of the Rajasthan desert, in India. The original village had simple huts with mud walls and straw's roofs. We built all the rest of the village with real stone, plastered with mud, wood and straw and then aged all and did some typical india frescos and garments.
Other view of Chiara's Village, Rajasthan. In the background is another little building that we built.
Details of the stone houses of Chiara's Village, Rajasthan. The stone houses was made with real stone using local technics of construction: broken stones, plaster made with mud blended with cow shit and everthing was painted and aged with Rajasthan's typical ornaments.
Art concept Chiara's Village, Rajasthan desert (night version).
Here is the technical drawing of the facade of Chiara's village Ambulatory set.
Chiara's village Ambulatory set in working progress. All the props, furniture, material was chosen and supplied from the locals markets.
Chiara's village Ambulatory set. Likewise the other houses of the set, also this was entirely built it in stone, wood and straw for Exterior/interior use. We also invented the logo of the humanitarian organization, like Doctors without Borders, painted on the wall.
A night shot at Chiara's village, in the background the ambulatory set.
Art concept Interior Chiara's village Ambulatory set.
Another art concept of Chiara's village in Rajasthan, looking the opposite side of the first village's concept. Here is notable the Hindu Temple, the houses and in the background (at right) some typical tall wooden structures made for dry the dye textures.
Chiara's village at night look.
Art concept Hut, Chiara's village, Rajasthan.
Plan and elevation of a Hut and stone house, Chiara's village, Rajasthan.
Details stone houses and huts, Chiara's village, Rajasthan desert.
Art concept ext. Chiara's House, Rajasthan desert.
Ext. Chiara's House. All the set was built in location in Rajasthan desert, but the interiors and part of exterior was completely recreated on stage in Turin, Italy, of course with the necessaries matches.
Another view of Chiara's House, Rajasthan Desert.
Chiara's Village, Square, Rajasthan Desert. Here we can see at right the tents that usually Doctors without Borders mounts in quick way in some camps.
Art concept interior Chiara's House, Courtyard. The flavor of the courtyard was typical of Rajasthan style with painted ornaments on the concrete floor and used the sacred pale blue color.
Interior Chiara's House, Courtyard. The set was built on stage in Turin, Italy. Meantime the exterior of the house built and shot in Rajasthan desert. Both exterior and interior was painted with pale blu, sacred color in Indian tradition.
Early art concept Chiara's room. Chiara's house.
Interior Chiara's House, Chiara's room. It was set dressed with ethnic furniture and props, all found in local well equipped markets.
Art concept utility room, Chiara's House. The set was conceived as a storage room, but it's also a place where they can have more private time.
Utility room, Chiara's House. The set, built inside the Chiara's house, is placed geographically in front of the courtyard, some steps above. The wonderful hand made carved frame windows and shutters was found in market and mounted inside the room, as well as any other frame windows inside the house.
Utility room, Chiara's House. Still from the film.
Detail of the carved frame windows of utility room.
Dining room, Kitchen, Chiara's House. Here is visible more the 'Rajasthan' style drawings on the floor and some ethnic forniture.
View of the Kitchen, Chiara's House.
Elevations Chiara's house.
Elevations Chiara's house.
Here the bigger abandoned Hindu temple that we built on the shore of a natural lake, nearby the Village.
Ext. Hotel in Kerala. The hotel was set in a building with a view of the sea. We transformed the look of the building placing a big hotel sign and adding set dressing and typical local vehicles.
Int. Orphanage set in Kerala.
Along the road for the Village of Rajasthan desert the characters stopped at a town that is connected house to house with only steps, it was so beautiful to shot it, so we decided to do it. But the problem was that the chosen part had only white facades, so in a couple nights we painted half of the houses you can see in the frame with the sacred color, the pale blue.
For give more an 'adventure' flavor, we found some interesting locations in Thar desert and use it as our background.
Road to Rajasthan's village. in this set we just have had a 'golden hour' shot and made some typical bamboo scaffolding on a ruined old building.
Father's private office. The Father of the main character is a owner of a Art gallery in Rome. We shot it inside a real Art Gallery in the city and recreated his private office in a room nearby the gallery, set dressed it in properly way.
The main character, Chiara, decided at certain point to change completely her life and went to live in Scotland. We decided to set all in a very suggestive location with superb landscapes, Orkney Isles. Here we just added set dress (the post column) and snow (with SFX team). But also prepared her home (ext ad Int.) and some streets for shooting.